
  • Added Ext. Doc. No. to Sales Shipment report.


  • Resolved issue where the Back Order Line Details overlapped with the Sales Lines in Sales Invoice layout.


  • Added OnSaveReportToStream integration event.


  • Improved purchase order posting action order.
  • Exposed more functions for better integration with custom reports.
  • Fixed warehouse document details not being saved in sent emails.


  • Added new key to Sent Email table to improve database performance.


  • Integrated sales and purchase invoice posting policy into the post and email functionality.

22.3.240613.1 / 17.1.240618.1

  • Fixed error when emailed reports refer to deleted contacts.
  • Ensure deleted contacts are removed from Document Layouts.


  • Fixed document text not showing on Sales Invoice reports.


  • Exposed OnGetStatementAgingParam event.


  • Exposed more functions for extension development in the DocumentHelper codeunit.
  • Added OnFindReservEntriesOnAfterUpdateTrackingSpecBuffer event to find reservation entry.


  • Fixed EarliestAvailabilityDate not returning date value.


  • Added OnAfterEmailAddAttachment event.


  • Improved prepayments totals on sales invoices with more relevant details.


  • Added payment link to sales invoice report.


  • Moved Post and Email actions to the top of the promoted menu.


  • Fixed Post and Email on Payment Journal creating a blank line.


  • Fixed incorrect amounts on the Customer Statement report for the second aging bucket column.


  • Fixed email layouts being reinitialised unexpectedly.


  • Made compatible with BC v24.


  • Removed Advanced Stocktake integration that is no longer required.


  • Added notification to remind the user to install the AU, eBanking Core, eBanking Advanced EFT, eBanking BPAY, Fusion, Receivables Payables, and/or Advanced Inventory connectors if the environment requirements are met.


  • Fixed “Use as Default for Currency” filter for retrieving bank details.


  • Added Bank Account’s Swift Code to reports with bank details.
  • Increased footer text limit from 250 to 390 characters.


  • Updated app scope.
  • Good Looking Documents for Australia: Removed remittance actions on EFT Registers.
  • Good Looking Documents for eBanking Core: Added remittance actions on eBanking Registers.


  • Added Send to Document Salesperson/Purchaser option to Document Emailing Profiles.


  • Fixed visibility conditions for total excluding GST on Purchase Invoice report.


  • Added ability to handle mixed currencies on the Customer Statement report.
    • The statement always prints the currency code from the Customer Card, and all foreign currency amounts are converted this currency.
    • When the Print in LCY is option ticked on the request page, all amounts are converted and printed in local currency as specified in the General Ledger Setup page.


  • Good Looking Documents for Australia: Fixed remittance advice not displaying Bank Branch and Account No.
  • Good Looking Documents for eBanking Core: Fixed remittance advice not displaying Bank Branch and Account No.


  • Improved action placements on Payment Journals page.
  • Fixed employee remittances grouped together and sent to each employee when posting and email under the same batch.


  • Added back item tracking text feature.


  • Fixed warehouse posting printing multiple reports unnecessarily.
  • Fixed Customer Statement showing incorrect totals on the last page.


  • Updated labels to show above the bars for the Statement Aging chart on the Customer Statement report.
  • Fixed incorrect totals on the Return Order Confirmation report.


  • Removed shipment detail lines from the Sales Invoice report.


  • Made compatible with v23.


  • Fixed Amount Due value not showing in customer statements.
  • Fixed Serial No. info not showing in reports.


  • Moved ShowLotNo to protected var in Sales Shipment report.


  • Fixed Remittance Advice Entries showing incorrect totals.


  • Fixed source filters not applied to the Sent Emails page when drilling down from the No. of Sent Emails field.
  • Hid the standard Sent Emails action from Customer, Vendor, and Employee card pages.
  • Move BankAddr to protected var on Sales Invoice & Pro-Forma Sales Invoice reports for extensibility.


  • Fixed errors stopping bulk emailing for customer statements.
  • Made ShowInternalInfo protected var on Purchase Order report.


  • Made compatible with v22:
    • Good Looking Documents
    • Good Looking Documents for Australia
    • Good Looking Documents for Receivables Payables
    • Good Looking Documents for eBanking Core
    • Good Looking Documents for eBanking BPAY
    • Good Looking Documents for eBanking Advanced EFT


  • Added event to override report parameters during emailing.
  • Added OnBeforeUpdateCustomRepSelection integration event.
  • Hid the duplicate Customer Statement action on the Customer List page and marked obsolete.


  • Added OnBeforeUpdateCustomRepSelection integration event.


  • Fixed usage filter issue on the Vendor Document Layouts.
  • Fixed customer statement overwriting some filters applied on the request page.


  • Fixed incorrect totalling when enabling “Prices Incl. GST” option in the Pro Forma Invoice report.


  • Added EnableHyperlinks property to all external-facing reports in the app.


  • Fixed the incorrect Customer Statement being attached when emailing from Receivables Aging Overview.
  • Good Looking Documents for Receivables Payables: Hide duplicate actions for running Customer Statement.


  • Added OnBeforeProcessReport integration event to override email settings.


  • Added integration with Easy Item Tracking. If you use Lot/Serial Tracking information on reports, please install Easy Item Tracking for Good Looking Documents.


  • Fixed filtering when emailing multiple Employee Remittances.

21.2.230524.2 / 17.1.230524.1

  • Added Purchase Return Order usage to Vendor Document Layouts & implemented the usage scenario when initialising from Doc. Email Profiles.
  • Updated tooltips.
  • Fixed “Send To Email” field was still editable when the page is set as not editable via the Edit List action.


  • Added GetBankDetailsGetBankAddress functions to Document Helper codeunit for extensibility.


  • Added ShowLotSN to protected var for all reports.
  • Good Looking Documents for Receivables Payables: Targeted v21.


  • Updated Sales and Purchase reports to display GST/VAT summary fields more logically. The following report layouts are updated:
    • Sales Order 
    • Sales Invoice
    • Sales Quote 
    • Sales Credit Memo 
    • Sales Return Order 
    • Purchase Order 
    • Purchase Invoice 
    • Purchase Credit Memo 
    • Purchase Return Order
  • Good Looking Documents for eBanking BPAY: Fixed per customer BPAY settings not being utilised.


  • Fixed lines only printed on the first page when generating multiple copies.
  • Addressed minor issues in the Purchase Invoice report layout.
  • Hide all related lines when the parent line is hidden on Sales Invoice & Shipment reports.


  • Set additional filter for excluded document attachments.
  • Added OnBeforeFindDocumentAttachments integration event.

17.1.230417.2 / 21.2.230418.4

  • Fixed incorrect email subject for email only reports.
  • Added event to override allowed reports for update documents feature.


  • Fixed records not retrieved when posting and emailing purchase documents .
  • Fixed customer statement customer not found error related to BPAY.
  • Fixed report selection unable to select use for email body.
  • Bank account improvements
    • Now sets the document specific bank account from the responsibility centre/currency where applicable.
    • Added support for using bank details from document specific bank accounts on reports where applicable.
    • Added support for using currency based bank details on reports where applicable.


  • Target v21.
  • Fixed email sender errors when printing reports without a responsibility centre.
  • Use standard sales/purchase report selection usage enum.
  • Fixed initialise document layout using the incorrect report. This feature now integrates with the standard “Copy from Report Selections” action.
  • Replaced item cross references with item references.
  • Good Looking Documents for eBanking BPAY: Always respect customer BPAY payment option on reports.


  • Good Looking Documents for eBanking BPAY: Always respect customer BPAY payment option on reports.


  • Fixed “reduced functionality” error that prevented users from using the colour picker.


  • Fixed date format setting on the Company Information page.


  • Fixed Exclude Doc. Attachments from Emails global setting overriding local setting on posted documents.
  • Good Looking Documents for eBanking Core,
    Good Looking Documents for eBanking BPAY,
    Good Looking Documents for eBanking Advanced EFT:
    • Updated dependency reference.


  • Filter marked records when emailing documents in bulk.
  • Allow Description height to increase for all reports.


  • Added exclude attachments from email.


  • Added use for email attachment option on document layouts.


  • Good Looking Documents for eBanking BPAY: Supports eBanking BPAY per customer BPAY settings.
  • Added type options to CC and BCC recipients on document layouts.
  • Fixed action promoted categories.
  • Fixed return order not showing contact name.
  • Warn the user earlier when selecting an incompatible sender email account on doc. email profiles.
  • Fixed contact lookup on vendor document layout.
  • Fixed misleading error when using both print remaining and print when emailing.
  • Added use for email attachment option on document layouts.


  • Fixed contact lookup on vendor document layout.
  • Fixed return order not showing contact name.


  • Allow document layout usage to be extensible.


  • Fixed BPAY Ref No. not generating for Customer Statement.


  • Added missing DataClassification to Direct Print Cue table.

19.2.221122.2 / 17.1.221129.2

  • Improved direct printing backend.
  • Added event to override email body layout.

19.2.221108.5 / 17.1.221109.2

  • Fixed email body missing some column values.


  • Fixed BPAY Ref No. not generating for reports when BPAY Reference No. Per is set to Document.


  • Added default job title code setup.
  • Updated to target v19.
  • Updated the followings apps to target v19:
    • Good Looking Documents for Advanced Inventory
    • Good Looking Documents for Advanced Stocktake
    • Good Looking Documents for Australia
    • Good Looking Documents for eBanking Advanced EFT
    • Good Looking Documents for eBanking BPAY
    • Good Looking Documents for eBanking Core
    • Good Looking Documents for MEO
    • Good Looking Documents for Receivables Payables
    • Good Looking Documents for Record Links


  • Improved performance with new key on sent email.


  • Fixed Customer Statement having extra blank page at the end.
  • Updated minor improvements to Customer Statement RDLC layout.


  • Modified dimensions of the company logo on all reports. The dimensions are now fixed to 6.5 cm x 2.0 cm.
  • Fixed replacing token for build automation.


  • Fixed merge attachment pointing to incorrect API endpoint.


  • Modified dimensions of the company logo on reports:
    • Finance Charge Memo
    • Inventory Movement
    • Job Quote
    • Movement List
    • Order Confirmation
    • Assembly Order
    • Blanket Purchase
    • Picking List
    • Sales – Quote
    • Sales – Shipment
  • Added transfer post and email.
  • Better error when failing to retrieve responsibility centre for emailing.


  • Fixed customised word layouts reverting on upgrade.
  • Fixed serial/lot no. length errors on phys. inventory list report.
  • Fixed warehouse shipment post and email not emailing the correct reports.


  • Cleared No. Print filter and sort before emailing.


  • Fixed filter on payment journal post and email.
  • Fixed No. Printed being incremented twice per email.
  • During test mode intended recipient is appended to the subject.


  • Added direct printer selections.
  • Fixed batch emailing sales invoices showing dialog incorrectly.
  • Fixed misleading notification on email scenarios page.


  • Fixed email table error when merging customers.


  • Fixed direct print dialog not extending wait times.


  • Fixed initialise doc. email profiles confirmation.


  • Split filename from attachment URL if the attachment contains.
  • Fixed W1 references.


  • Made colour picker functions available for extension development.


  • Added toggle on direct posting or show request page depending on your environment eg. SaaS or On-Premise.
  • Removed internal access from Doc. Emailing Profile table.


  • Fixed BPAY caption on the Sales Invoice report.


  • Added Employee Remittance Advice Entries report to the Employee Ledger Entries and EFT Registers pages.
  • Added Employee Remittance Advice Journal report to the Employee Ledger Entries and EFT Registers pages.
  • Handled the email functionality for the Employee Remittance reports.
  • Fixed Customer Statement report fields depending on the company/entity logo.
  • Hid the company/entity logo if it is not uploaded in the Customer Statement report.
  • Fixed references to the wrong columns in the Order Confirmation report.
  • Added direct printing feature.
  • Allowed start date filter for open item statements.
  • Good Looking Documents for eBanking Advanced EFT: (NEW)
    • Initial release.
    • Added Print and Email Employee Remittance actions to EFT Registers page.
    • Retrieves employee EFT lodgement reference numbers when generating Employee Remittance Advice reports.


  • Refactored Warehouse Report Selection being substituted with Gold Report ID.
  • Fixed Init warehouse report upgrade function to check WhseReportSelectionFlag record.
  • Added recipients to Sent Emails page..
  • Added the declaration of the line amount on the remit advice entry report.


  • Fixed up deprecated functions in v20.


  • Added event subscribers on posting before emailing for each document type.


  • Fixed Purchase Order page number not returning to 1 on every order.


  • Fixed Customer Statement and Reminder minor layout issues.
  • Added Post and Email functionality for warehouse documents.


  • Handle scenario where user wishes to cancel during sales posting with validation.
  • Added more helper functions for app extensibility.


  • Fixed error on emailing caused by attachments.
  • Fixed error on validating multiple emails as a recipient.


  • Remove document email validation on first install.
  • Fixed customer statement report missing values in the Debit LCY column.


  • Fixed misaligned bank details on Customer Statement and Sales Invoice reports.
  • Fixed error not being shown on Warehouse Post and Email actions.


  • Improved syncing of data for company information default Bank Account.


  • Fixed missing copy watermark from the Sales Shipment report.
  • Fixed incorrect no. of copies on the Sales Invoice report.


  • Fixed the search report selection warehouse when emailing location based reports.
  • Pro Forma Invoice colour fix on header.
  • Restored Request page options.


  • Replaced report 204 “Sales Quote” with report 1304 “Standard Sales – Quote” in report substitution.


  • Replaced record TempBlob usage by codeunit “Temp Blob”.


  • The following reports can now be sent from the responsibility centre email account
    • Customer Statement
    • Reminder
    • Remittance Advice Journal
    • Remittance Advice Entries
    • Job Quote
  • Fixed footer email address on reports not being retrieved from responsibility centre when available.
  • Fixed customer statement report not showing any data depending on the date filter.


  • Added “Post & Email” action for prepayment invoice and credit memo on Sales Order Card page.
  • Moved email account retrieval to OnAfterGetRecord trigger on Responsibility Centre Card page.
  • Marked “Print Statements” field as Importance = Standard on Customer Card page.
  • Fixed sending emails in background should not show the discard dialog.
  • Fixed source details not being populated correctly on the Sent Emails page.


  • Added Company Email Address from Responsibility Centre, to be provided on Reports.


  • Reverted removal of report selection warehouse field.


Requires force sync

  • Added the ability to email reports to locations for location based reports.


  • Fixed vendor information not being displayed dynamically per page on Remittance Advice Journal report.
  • Further exposed helper functions for sales and warehouse report extensibility.


  • Added Line VAT Amount, and Line Amount Incl. VAT columns to Purchase Order report.
  • Added print actions to Inventory Pick and Put-away list pages.
  • Fixed Inventory Pick report header details alignment.
  • Fixed Remittance Advice report missing colour and picture values.


  • Exposed document helper functions for purchase reports.
  • Fixed incorrect remaining and total amounts on Remittance Advice Journal report.


  • Fixed error when no email address is available during emailing.
  • Added Print Remaining option to Document Emailing Profile.


  • Fixed Customer Statement blank pages.


  • Fixed up header and invoice lines in the report layout for printing multiple purchase invoices.


  • Fixed permissions to standard email objects with SaaS entitlements.


  • Fixed bill-to address repeating on sales shipment.
  • Fixed error on deleting document emailing profiles.
  • Initialise responsibility centre colour values on install.
  • Minor UI improvements.


  • Good Looking Documents for Australia: Added various elements from Good Looking Documents app.
  • Removed various elements meant for Australia connector app.
  • Fixed assisted setup wizard not saving some values.
  • Fixed various layouts issues.
  • Added warehouse instructions factbox.
  • Marked most objects as internal.


  • Added missing license checks on various pages.


  • Added document emailing feature.
  • Added email templates for various documents (Order, Invoice, Quote etc.).
  • Added Goldified Job Quote report.
  • Added Goldified Remittance Advice Entries/Journal reports.
  • Added the ability to change date formats for all reports.
  • Added unshipped line handling and ability to hide zero quantity lines on reports.
  • Good Looking Documents for Australia:
    • Provides integration with Australian specific functionality and fields.
    • ABN support for Company Information and Responsibility Centres.
    • GST and WHT support.
    • Australian EFT Bank Account support.


  • Shows line quantity as 2 decimal places when the UoM is of type “Hour” on the following reports:
    • Sales Order, Purchase Order
    • Pro Forma Invoice
    • Purchase Credit Memo
    • Sales Credit Memo
    • Sales Invoice
    • Sales Quote
    • Service Credit Memo
    • Service Invoice. 


  • Fixed incorrect codeunit on Deposit Slip report.


  • Fixed the report header not repeated over multiple pages in AU/NZ Statement.


  • Added missing captions for Sales Quote report
    • Warehouse Instructions
    • Delivery Instructions
    • Quote Valid to Date
    • Work Description 
  • Fixed install/upgrade error when initialising reports with email bodies.


  • Added new fields to Sales Quote report
    • Warehouse Instructions
    • Delivery Instructions
    • Quote Valid to Date
    • Work Description


  • Added tooltips.
  • Updated AU translation file.


  • Fixed missing Application Area on Colour Picker.


  • Migrated “Gen. Journal Template“ Table mod from Base Application.


  • Added Bank Address, SWIFT and IBAN fields to AU/NZ statement.
  • Fixed Pro Forma Invoice filtering for type of order only.


  • Fixed error when running reports with a blank language code.