System Evaluation Process

System Evaluation Process


We understand:

  1. Your need to evaluate and select software that meets your business requirements.
  2. Your need to evaluate and select a partner that is capable of delivering the most benefit to your business from your software investment, as well as managing the risks inherent in system implementation projects.
  3. Your time and ours is valuable; at each step along the way we will each decide whether or not it is beneficial to proceed.
    To help you with your selection, this evaluation process is designed to give us both a clear understanding of the systems to be implemented and the corresponding benefits of the partnership.

Qualifying Meeting

The purpose of the initial qualifying meeting is to enable each of us to start learning about the other.
It is important that we gather high-level information about your company and background, such as:

  • The nature of your business
  • The size and geography of your operations
  • Your strategy and future plans
  • Reasons for the project initiation
  • Other projects that might happen concurrently
  • Details about your selection process i.e. decision makers, timeline and budget

This information enables us to understand your objectives and to decide whether there is the possibility of a beneficial relationship. In other words, do we think that our companies are suited? Can we provide value to you?

At the end of this meeting, both parties will know whether it is appropriate to continue on the evaluation path together.

Internal Review

Then, an internal review at Fenwick Software takes place to:

  • Brainstorm initial ideas on the possible improvements and benefits
  • Reflect on other similar client situations
  • Confirm with other staff members that we are suited and that we can help

Pre Sales Discovery

The discovery assignment is the key to a thorough and successful evaluation process. It is time spent by our consulting team interviewing your key people at your place to obtain information.

For example we need to:

  • Understand the current processes
    • Identify deficiencies, limitations and irritations in the current systems
    • Pick up terminology,
    • Obtain sample reference data (customers, suppliers, products, chart of accounts, etc.)
    • Obtain samples of key forms (sales order forms, invoices, purchase orders, statements, etc.)
    • Obtain samples of standard reports (P&L, Sales Analysis, Inventory valuation, etc.)
    • Obtain the key reports you use to run the business
  • List the business functions to be included
  • Identify the key success factors
    • How will you know if the project is a success?
    • Can we quantify this?

Obtaining such information about you enables us to:

  • Envisage the solution
  • Prepare a presentation
  • Prepare a proposal

With the information obtained in the discovery, we can prepare a presentation and proposal for you that are targeted to your needs.

Discovery Review

After the discovery, we consolidate our knowledge and present it back to you (perhaps in the form of tables, flowcharts etc) for confirmation that the information and our understanding of it is accurate.

Prototype Solution Design

Using the information we have gleaned in the discovery process and the project planning workshop, our consulting team then designs a solution that fits your needs.

We bring to this process:

  • Our knowledge of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV product
  • Our experience implementing similar systems for other clients
  • Our general knowledge of the requirements of commercial systems

In some cases, the solution may include other software products, custom built modules or interfaces to existing systems.

Infrastructure Review

We examine your existing computer hardware and communications infrastructure and determine what changes, if any, will be required to meet the proposed new system.


The presentation is time for us to articulate our offer and the associated benefits. We will show you the Microsoft Dynamics NAV software and outline our services. We will deliver a draft proposal.
The presentation enables your key decision makers to gain an understanding of the proposed system, to interrogate us about it, and to evaluate the benefits of a partnership with Fenwick Software.

Review of Draft Proposal

Specific details of the offer need to be finalised, for example the fine points of how the implementation would proceed, suggestions for phasing the project, the exact software granules required, changes to your hardware and communications platform etc. Our consulting team will prepare this and discuss it with you.


A written proposal will detail our offer. It will include:

  • Executive Summary
  • Project Summary
  • Business Software
  • Implementation
  • Resumes
  • Project Investment
  • Various appendices

The proposal will be authorised by our CEO and the Senior Consultant who has been involved in the process.

Case Study

If you accept our proposal, we will work together with you to deliver the agreed business benefits.
Once the work is done, we will review the project with you and assess the extent to which the benefits have been achieved. Together, we will develop a case study to be used internally to improve what we do and externally for promotional purposes.