Today is an historic day in the development of Fenwick Gold, as it has been awarded an official Certified for Microsoft Dynamics (CfMD) status — the highest level of certification available for a Dynamics NAV add-on.

This signifies another major step forward in the development of this fantastic product, which has now seen two full version releases and continues to provide cost-effective enhancements to the standard NAV product for all our customers.

What is CfMD? This program has been created by Microsoft to guarantee the highest level of quality is present in partner developed add-ons for Dynamics products. In summary, it ensures:

  1. The product complies with strict development and documentation best-practice guidelines and has passed a thorough testing process
  2. The software source code is stored in Escrow
  3. The product has been recommended by a sizable existing user base
  4. There is a support life cycle and roadmap available for the product

In the past three months, we have spent considerable time ensuring the Fenwick Gold add-on complies with these requirements, and the product is of the highest quality as recognised by Microsoft.

What does that mean for existing Fenwick Gold users, or users thinking of purchasing Fenwick Gold? Simply, that the investment you make toward this product is providing you with not only a high-calibre and certified add-on from Microsoft, but that the product also has an solid existing user base, and a detailed future support and development plan. Have a look at our new Fenwick Gold Support Page for more information, and to see the product roadmap.

It is with great pride that we can now display the CfMD logo on our Fenwick Gold product page, and a fitting addition that recognises the quality development and continual hard work of our product team.