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Web Sites – When Less is More

Fenwick Software launched its new web site a week before Christmas and we have continued our editing and tidying work in the weeks following. Creating or recreating a web site takes a significant investment. Like any investment it is important to benefit from a reasonable return. In Fenwick’s case we want our web site to attract new prospects and provide useful information to our clients.

Our philosophy is that the web site should provide answers to the questions being asked by the people who come to the site, and to provide these answers in the most concise way. We identified four key areas that we believe prospective clients are interested in. We have featured these on our home page and then layered the subsequent content to provide increasing levels of detail as required by the reader. We have spent as much time deciding what to exclude from the site as we have on deciding what to include. It’s not easy, but it is important to keep a web site lean. Content for content’s sake is visual pollution that only distracts its recipients from the key messages.

We have spent as much time deciding what to exclude from the site as we have on deciding what to include

One area where we have added information is that of Fenwick Gold (our suite of software granules built to meet the special requirements of Australian business). We have added a summary page that lists all the granules along with a paragraph explaining the functionality of each. A reader can click on a specific granule’s title or icon to view a more detailed description. A third level of detail is available through the provision of screen shots that show how the granule works.

A web site can’t be launched and left. It’s important to continually monitor content, removing and updating, and occasionally adding when an area of need is identified.
We welcome any comments or suggestions that you have about our site.

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