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Getting the most from your ERP system

Implementing an ERP system requires a significant investment of time and money. There is a lot for staff to take in with new processes and workflows. Learning a new system prior to go-live can be a lot to absorb. New operators have a tendency to remember the essentials then attempt to work out the parts they didn’t retain, unaware that they are not utilising a system efficiently or making the most of its features. It is these neglected features that can make all the difference. They can help you squeeze more out of the system, making your processes more efficient, thereby gaining a greater return on your investment.

Rather than seeing the system go-live as the end point it is better to consider it as the backbone on which you can develop, grow and improve your systems.

The post-implementation review of your new system can form the basis of a future strategy of “review and refine” – identify any time consuming and cumbersome workflows and implement improvements. Sometimes a simple change of process or perhaps a modest enhancement to the software can make things work better and save many hours of effort.

By facilitating review sessions we have been able to help many clients to continuously get more from their systems. These sessions can identify any inefficient processes and develop ways to better use your systems and your most valuable resource, your people. All the key stakeholders need to be involved in these reviews. By combining your knowledge of your business with our experience and ERP expertise your company will achieve significant performance improvements and business benefits.

Here are five tips for reviewing your business processes:

  • Refer back to the objectives and business benefits you were seeking when you initiated the project.
  • Review your business processes with an open mind. Take a “blank canvas” approach – imagine there are no restrictions.
  • Hold an internal pre-review workshop to initiate dialogue with key stakeholders. Get everyone thinking about what would make processes better, simpler and more efficient.
  • Keep it simple. The simpler and more elegant the solution, the better the result.
  • Involve key users who have experience in the areas being reviewed.

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