NAV Development or an External Add-on?
Before commiting to development of a NAV external add-on the pros and cons must be weighed. The best solution for a weighbridge system was a NAV external add-on.
Before commiting to development of a NAV external add-on the pros and cons must be weighed. The best solution for a weighbridge system was a NAV external add-on.
High level Fit/Gap analysis provides an important tool in selecting an ERP product. A detailed gap/fit forms the platform on which the success of the implementation is built.
Using No. Series for Document No. in Dynamics NAV Journals may create errors.
Microsoft CustomerSource is a useful resource that more NAV users could gain benefit from.
Implementing NAV provides an opportunity to rethink complex and inflexible meaningful part numbers.
Web development can be a risk to your business. It’s important to have a risk minimisation plan.
Natural disasters often bring people together and bring out the best in human nature. This happened after the earthquakes in Nepal and New Zealand.
Using the Reminders feature of Dynamics NAV to support your debtor collection for has the potential to improve your cashflow.
The flexibility of a software package is a great benefit to customers as they have the opportunity to customise the software to suit their business requirements. However, too many customisations may incur unexpected cost…
Fenwick Software turns 40 this year. It has been an amazing story of relationships, experimentation, learning and great successes
One of the pioneering principles for Dynamics NAV has always been its simplicity and ease of use. one of the foundational building blocks for this user experience has been patterns.
The choice between fixed price or time & materials project pricing depends upon client knowledge of their business and the chosen ERP system.