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Fenwick Warehouse Management Solution
Peter R Hill

Go-Live is the Start, Benefit Realisation is the Finish

The pressure and workload involved in introducing a new ERP system, achieving go-live and a system that is working day to day, may, justifiably, be the cause of great relief or preferably, celebration. And that’s fair enough. But getting the system up and running is only the first step…

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Brad Foot

To Approve or Not to Approve

Brad Foot, Principal Consultant and Quality Manager at Fenwick Software, explains the newest addition to Fenwick Gold modules – Advanced Approvals. This new module extends NAV approvals functionality in a way that’s much more suited to today’s business needs…

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Andrew Lang

A Guide to Document Localization

More and more systems have to operate across multiple countries involving many languages. Andrew Lang explains what is involved in delivering the best result for the client when faced with the translation of forms and documents…

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Andrew Ferguson

SQL Database Backups

Backup is like insurance, you might begrudge the cost but only until the day you need it. Andrew Ferguson provides practical advice on levels of backup that will avoid a business crisis in the case of a disaster…

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Tyrone Roberts

Keeping Your ERP System Up To Date

Just like a building, if you don’t invest in a maintenance plan you risk your ERP system becoming neglected, inefficient and eventually derelict. Tyrone Roberts makes the case for staying up to date…

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Thibault Gindre

Careful Preparation Pays Off

Uncertainty and risk can make software implementations fraught and stressful. In this week’s post Thibault Gindre talks about a recent upgrade project and how good planning paved the way for a smooth transition…

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Steve Langmaid

Special Challenges of Collecting Household Waste

One of the most specialized areas of waste and recycling is the one people are most familiar with – the regular household collection service managed by their local council. This seemingly simple service has quite a few complications that make it difficult for most ERP systems to handle efficiently…

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