As a developer you can add Attach-It Factboxes to more pages, including your own pages by using the code sample below.

Although, note that not all record types in Business Central support the standard Attachments feature.

Sample Code

The following example adds the Attach-It Factbox to the Contact Card:

namespace Your.Namespace.Here;

using Fenwick.Gold.AttachIt;

pageextension 50000 ContactCard extends "Contact Card"
            part(AttachItFactbox; FSG_AIT_AttachItFactbox)
                ApplicationArea = All;
                UpdatePropagation = Both;
            part(AttachmentsFactbox; FSG_AIT_AttachmentsFactbox)
                ApplicationArea = All;
                UpdatePropagation = Both;

    trigger OnAfterGetCurrRecord()

Extending Storage Types and Address Types

Additional Storage Types and Address Types can be added by extending the respective interface and enum listed below. Please refer to the embedded documentation within Attach-It for further details.

  • interface FSG_AIT_IStorageType, enum FSG_AIT_StorageType
  • interface FSG_AIT_IAddressType, enum FSG_AIT_AddressType