MobileWaste is an ‘electronic run sheet’ used by truck drivers on the job and integrates directly with Business Central and enwis. The app is designed for tablet and mobile devices and enables real-time recording of jobs completed on the road.
Combining MobileWaste with EasyDispatch creates an end-to-end solution for handling scheduling and completion of waste jobs.
Easy to use
Clear, concise interface for drivers to operate with.

Directly integrates with your system. Data is available as soon as it’s entered by the driver. If the device is offline, data is stored and uploaded as soon as the connection becomes available again.
Handles all on-the-job reporting
Easily enter quantity of work performed, view the run sheet of work to be completed and view status updates of jobs completed.

Flexible for business requirements
All companies have different safety and maintenance requirements. With MobileWaste you can configure your own customised driver checklist to suit your business unique needs.

A safety net system allowing signatures from customers to be easily captured, along with photos to provide proof of delivery or to show site access issues. Record additional charges on the spot for futile services or exceptions.