The Pay-It ecosystem lets you process payments within Business Central through tight integration between Business Central and payment providers.

To get started with Pay-It

To start using Pay-It you need to:

  1. Download and install Pay-It from AppSource.
  2. Set up your Pay-It Account to one our providers.
    • If this is the first Fenwick app you’ve downloaded, you’ll need to create a Fenwick Gold Account as part of your setup.
    • Some payment providers require documentation to prove your identity and complete your countries financial legal requirements. This may take some time to validate.
  3. Set up your Pay-It Methods and link them to Business Central’s Payment Methods.
  4. Process a document.

Looking for more information, or want to speak to someone?

If you’re interested in more information about what Pay-It can do, or want to explore something further, please let us know below and we’ll help you get up and running as soon as possible.

Regulatory, Legislative, and Identity Requirements

Pay-It works with payment providers, financial institutions, and banks to process payments. This means you will likely need to verify your companies identity and ownership based on what’s required in your country.

This process is all guided for you as part of your setup, however it can some time for verifications to complete. Please make sure you have contact with the right teams within your company (such as Legal, Finance) to get the information you may need.

Pay-It Key Terms

We’ve put together a summary of key terms used in Pay-It:

TermDescriptionMore Information
Pay-ItThe app that provides the payment processing functionality in Business Central.
Payment ProviderThe service that provides the payment processing capability. For example, Stripe.
Pay-It AccountRepresents a connection to a provider. For example, you may have an account that represents a connection to Stripe.Creating a new Pay-It Account
Pay-It Method TypeThe way the payment is made. These are linked to Business Central’s Payment Methods.Setting up your Payment Methods
Payment LinkA URL that can be added to an invoice or sent in an email that provides customers the ability to complete payment via a portal.Setting up and using Payment Links