A customer can save their credit cards for future use and opt in to receiving a receipt email for any payments they make with Pay-It.

Automatically Send Receipt Emails

On the Customer Card, the Send Pay-It Receipt Email setting under the Payments fast tab decides whether a receipt for a payment made using Pay-It is sent to the customer.

If Send Pay-It Receipt Email is turned on, receipts will be emailed to the customer’s email address as set on the customer card. You can add multiple email addresses by separating them using a comma.

Default Pay-It Methods 

To view a list of a customer’s saved cards, open the Pay-It Methods page by navigating to the Customer action tab on the Customer Card and select the Pay-It Methods action.

Each Payment Method can have a default Pay-It Method by using the Set as Default action. This card will be automatically set when creating a payment.

For detailed instructions on how to save a new card, refer to our guide on Saving a Card for a Customer.